Twin Ridges Home Study Charter School
40+ years of supporting your Personalized Learning Philosophy!

Vision and Mission

The Twin Ridges Home Study program facilitates responsibility, flexibility and self-discipline so that students can reach their fullest potential in academics, personal awareness, athletics and the arts. The school, in partnership with the parents, creates a climate in which students can become scholars, critical thinkers, effective problem solvers and lifelong learners. This program promotes a supportive school environment where students will exercise cooperation and respect for the environment and the diversity of others. TRHS provides students with accessible resources, experienced teachers, family community and a responsive administrative team.
To give parents and their children the opportunity to choose goals that are in alignment with their educational philosophy.
To give parents increased commitment and involvement in their child’s education.
To provide a collaborative relationship between parents and staff in designing successful programs, strategies, and practices.
To encourage an environment where parents and teachers work together to promote each student’s learning style.